Commentary on a Colleagues Work

On Thursday, November 2, 2017, Valerie on her blog titled Valerie's Views wrote a commentary blog post dedicated to the economic factors that birth control takes part in a woman's life and in our economy. Valerie provides insight into the struggle to afford birth control along with how the lack of contraceptives increases the chances of women making less money to not making any at all due to the fact that a pregnancy would require women to temporarily or permanently leave their job in order to take care of their children. Thus, birth control making a difference and effecting a woman financially.
Furthermore, Valerie argues that birth control should be free seeing that it will have a significant impact in our future economy and continue to provide comfort and stability in women's lives so they can continue being successful as well allowing them to prevent or plan a pregnancy. To support her claim she makes a reference to an article titled, The Economy Can't Grow Without Birth Control, revealing the reasons why birth control should be provided for free and how free birth control allows women to accomplish their goals in order to provide a better life for themselves and ultimately when the time is right to help them plan a better quality of life for their family. The author mentions that women being provided free birth control allows them to pursue their goals and get successful jobs as wells as how the money they make from their jobs they will be able to spend it, “on clothes, groceries, electronics and other things,” therefore, demonstrating how free birth control contributes financially in making a difference in our economy.
After reading this insightful blog post about how free birth control is pivotal in contributing to the economy and its effects on women financially, I completely agree with Valerie's statements. If I could suggest anything, it would be to maybe provide some ideas on how to make birth control free and how women can take action to make it possible. Other than that I thought the overall blog post itself was a very informational and insightful!


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