Commentary on a Colleague's Work #2

On Saturday, November 25, 2017, Valerie on her blog titled Valerie's Views wrote a commentary blog post dedicated to the current immigration debate in our society. Valerie, she compares how the Obama Administration dealt with immigration to how the Trump Administration is dealing with it. Furthermore, she provides insight into how the Trump Administration's actions on the immigration debate have come to affect the immigration community and elaborates how it has also come to affect the criminal activities within our own nation.
Moreover, Valerie argues that Trump's plan for arresting and deporting any immigrants takes away time and effort from local PD and sheriff's offices to have the ability and focus to go arrest criminals with more serious crimes such as assault, burglary, rape, and murder. To support her claim, she makes a reference to an article titled, ‘Please, God, Don’t Let Me Get Stopped’: Around Atlanta, No Sanctuary for Immigrants by Vivian Yee, revealing how Trump’s plan to arrest and deport any immigrant has come to have a nerve-racking and fearsome impact in the immigrant community. Seeing that they are getting arrested just because of minor car failures, like having a broken tail light or failing to turn on their turn signal or simply because they don't have a license. Thus, demonstrating that making immigration high on the priority list it takes away the chances for real criminals to be stopped. Seeing that the local police department is wasting their time arresting immigrants on minor things when they could just give them a ticket or warning like any other American citizen. When instead they should be out there protecting their communities and arresting the real criminals who impose danger.

After reading this insightful blog, I absolutely agree with Valerie on her stance about how as a nation we should focus more on the lawbreakers and criminals in our own backyard, given our current domestic terrorist attacks these past couples of months as well as her standpoint on immigration. Seeing that Obama’s plan was way better than Trump’s because they were focused on actually detaining immigrants with criminal offenses. But unfortunately, Trump’s plan found a loophole that would consider any immigrant who came illegally as a criminal offense. Thus, affecting the lives of innocent immigrants who came to the United States to be able to provide a better life for themselves and their families. Overall, Valerie does an excellent job on providing information that supports her claims by giving insight into how past and current Administration's plans deal with immigration and how Trump’s current plant has not only affected the immigrant community but our police department. Seeing that they’ve prioritized immigration over trying to keep their communities safe from the dangerous criminals.


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