Trump Administration Rolls Back Birth Control Mandate

On Friday, October 6, 2017, the Trump Administration announced its intention to roll back the Affordable Care Act provision that has allowed women access to birth control by requiring most employers to include birth control coverage in their health insurance plans. In announcing their decision, the administration argued that the birth control coverage requirement created a “substantial burden” on employers’ free exercise of religion that is protected by the U.S. Constitution. In the wake of the administration’s new rule, employers or schools now have a choice about whether or not their new health care plans will include coverage for birth control. These actions stand to rob women of their ability to control their lives and futures.
It’s 2017 and it's unbelievable that nearly 60 years after the invention of birth control politicians are still trying to take birth control away from women. This is absurd and it makes no sense. Birth control is basic health care that the majority of women will use over the course of their lifetime to control their reproductive health and to treating chronic health conditions.
Most people use it, wanna use it, will use it or benefit from a partner using it.
Women have made so much progress. Since birth control, more people are able to maintain their health and plan for their future more than ever before. Having access to birth control, in fact, has demonstrated that ⅓ or the wage gains women have made since the 60s are a result of birth control and that the number of women who completed college is 6 times more than what it was before birth control became legal. But by creating barriers to get birth control, it's clear that politicians and the administration are hell-bent on attacking women's health and their rights and threatening the decades of progress they have made.

Ultimately you just can't deny women their basic rights and pretend it's about your religious freedom if you don't like birth control don't use it. Just because you have Religious freedom it doesn't mean you can force others to live by your own beliefs. By denying women access to contraception is unacceptable, discriminatory, and unconstitutional. A woman's reproductive health care is between her and her doctor, not her boss or the president. The time has come and enough is enough. Birth control is for all and it's time to take action by coming together and standing up to politicians and bosses, demanding them to stop interfering with women’s rights by making their personal health care decisions.


  1. I absolutely agree with this blog post. It is 2017 and there are so many more pressing issues that should actually be far more concerning to politicians, than birth control. Birth control is for woman, there for should be discussed by woman instead of of a group of old man who think they know what best for woman, and think that they can dictate the choice of woman when it comes to family planning. It's honestly horrifying that in a country such as the U.S, the right to birth control is something that is being denied to woman.

  2. I think it is fair to say that Michelle and I see eye to eye on the on the topic of Trump vs. birth control.
    Being a female, it pains me even more to say that women in 2017 are having to fear their rights being revoked. I don't think it phases Trump, because he is a MALE. Male condoms are not being taken away, so why should politics make it more difficult for women to practice safe sex? Men are not losing anything in this situation and that is why both genders are not on the same side regarding this topic of birth control. Whether a person's insurance covers birth control or not, should not be based on religion. The first amendment defines separation of church and state.


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