
Commentary on a Colleague's Work #2

On Saturday, November 25, 2017, Valerie on her blog titled Valerie's Views wrote a commentary blog post dedicated to the current immigration debate in our society. Valerie, she compares how the Obama Administration dealt with immigration to how the Trump Administration is dealing with it. Furthermore, she provides insight into how the Trump Administration's actions on the immigration debate have come to affect the immigration community and elaborates how it has also come to affect the criminal activities within our own nation. Moreover, Valerie argues that Trump's plan for arresting and deporting any immigrants takes away time and effort from local PD and sheriff's offices to have the ability and focus to go arrest criminals with more serious crimes such as assault, burglary, rape, and murder. To support her claim, she makes a reference to an article titled, ‘Please, God, Don’t Let Me Get Stopped’: Around Atlanta, No Sanctuary for Immigrants by Vivian Yee, revea...

Respect My Existence or Expect My Resistance

Sometime in late August, The Trump administration suspended a policy proposed by President Obama that required large companies to report how much they pay workers by race and gender. Obama’s Equal Pay Rule was intended to help close the persistent gender and racial wage gap by increasing pay transparency. Thereby, making it easier for women and people of color to identify whether they were being paid less than white male counterparts at work. The Administration's action to suspend a pivotal Obama-era initiative is an unacceptable and deliberate attack on women in the workplace, especially for women of color who are making the least money for the same amount work. Over the last century, women have made incredible steps towards achieving gender equality in our society. Yet there's still a lot of work to be done. Considering that It's 2017 and the wage gap issue in this country doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon, but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t demand c...

Commentary on a Colleagues Work

On Thursday, November 2, 2017, Valerie on her blog titled Valerie's Views wrote a commentary blog post dedicated to the economic factors that birth control takes part in a woman's life and in our economy. Valerie provides insight into the struggle to afford birth control along with how the lack of contraceptives increases the chances of women making less money to not making any at all due to the fact that a pregnancy would require women to temporarily or permanently leave their job in order to take care of their children. Thus, birth control making a difference and effecting a woman financially. Furthermore, Valerie argues that birth control should be free seeing that it will have a significant impact in our future economy and continue to provide comfort and stability in women's lives so they can continue being successful as well allowing them to prevent or plan a pregnancy. To support her claim she makes a reference to an article titled, The Economy Can't Grow Wi...

Trump Administration Rolls Back Birth Control Mandate

On Friday, October 6, 2017, the Trump Administration announced its intention to roll back the Affordable Care Act provision that has allowed women access to birth control by requiring most employers to include birth control coverage in their health insurance plans. In announcing their decision, the administration argued that the birth control coverage requirement created a “substantial burden” on employers’ free exercise of religion that is protected by the U.S. Constitution. In the wake of the administration’s new rule, employers or schools now have a choice about whether or not their new health care plans will include coverage for birth control. These actions stand to rob women of their ability to control their lives and futures. It’s 2017 and it's unbelievable that nearly 60 years after the invention of birth control politicians are still trying to take birth control away from women. This is absurd and it makes no sense. Birth control is basic health care that the majority ...

Hey, Trump—Here Are All The Things Birth Control Does

A commentary blog post from the HuffPost titled, Hey, Trump—Here Are All The Things Birth Control Does was posted October 6, 2017, by HuffPost reporter, Catherine Pearson. The blog post was published in response to the Trump Administration announcing its intention to roll back the Affordable Care Act provision that has allowed women access to birth control by requiring most employers to include birth control coverage in their health insurance plans. In announcing their decision, the administration argued that the birth control coverage requirement created a “substantial burden” on employers’ free exercise of religion that is protected by the U.S. Constitution. For this reason, the author goes on to argue that birth control is in many ways health care for women and how it has also helped lower the abortion rate since 1973 when Roe v. Wade was passed. Pearson wrote this blog post to inform Trump’s Administration and those who are in favor of rolling back the birth control mandate, abou...

Of course we need to talk about gun violence in America. The question is how to do it effectively

A Op-Ed Article of the Los Angeles Times titled, Of course we need to talk about gun violence in America. The question is how to do it effectively was posted on October 6, 2017. This Opinion article was published in response to the Las Vegas massacre that happened this past Sunday on October 1st. The author, Adam Winkler argues that instead of focusing on when to discuss gun violence in American we should be focusing on how to reduce the harm provoked by gun violence and discussing what can be done to lower the number of incidents inflicted by guns. Winkler makes the argument that we, the American people make the mistake of devoting excessive attention to mass shootings and that mass shooting's an extremely hard problem to stop especially when we live in a country with more than 300 million guns and that instead of focusing on mass murders, we need to address everyday gun violence in order to make the laws work. The intended audience is anyone that wants a stricter gun control po...

Why Common Critiques of DACA Are Misleading

On the 5th of September this year, Trump decides to end DACA with a 6-month delay. T he Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals also known as DACA is a policy that allows undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children to receive a renewable two-year period of delayed deportation and eligibility to receive a work permit. However, in the midst of this controversy, t hose who defended Trumps decision to repeal DACA have been conveying misleading critiques about the program. In an article from The New York Times written by Linda Qiu helps to clarify the deceiving opinions of those who defended Trump's decision. Those who supported the end of DACA claim that DACA granted legal status to the recipients, triggered a movement of migration from Central America and that the recipients put native-born Americans out of work. This article explains how these claims are misleading and Qiu provides the evidence that supports the statements of how DACA recipients are not grante...