
Showing posts from December, 2017

Commentary on a Colleague's Work #2

On Saturday, November 25, 2017, Valerie on her blog titled Valerie's Views wrote a commentary blog post dedicated to the current immigration debate in our society. Valerie, she compares how the Obama Administration dealt with immigration to how the Trump Administration is dealing with it. Furthermore, she provides insight into how the Trump Administration's actions on the immigration debate have come to affect the immigration community and elaborates how it has also come to affect the criminal activities within our own nation. Moreover, Valerie argues that Trump's plan for arresting and deporting any immigrants takes away time and effort from local PD and sheriff's offices to have the ability and focus to go arrest criminals with more serious crimes such as assault, burglary, rape, and murder. To support her claim, she makes a reference to an article titled, ‘Please, God, Don’t Let Me Get Stopped’: Around Atlanta, No Sanctuary for Immigrants by Vivian Yee, revea...

Respect My Existence or Expect My Resistance

Sometime in late August, The Trump administration suspended a policy proposed by President Obama that required large companies to report how much they pay workers by race and gender. Obama’s Equal Pay Rule was intended to help close the persistent gender and racial wage gap by increasing pay transparency. Thereby, making it easier for women and people of color to identify whether they were being paid less than white male counterparts at work. The Administration's action to suspend a pivotal Obama-era initiative is an unacceptable and deliberate attack on women in the workplace, especially for women of color who are making the least money for the same amount work. Over the last century, women have made incredible steps towards achieving gender equality in our society. Yet there's still a lot of work to be done. Considering that It's 2017 and the wage gap issue in this country doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon, but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t demand c...